Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I choose to believe that its Allah's will that I get to know this distributor for M-a-q-u-i juice. Having read through the website, I did not hesitate to have a try.
Its quite pricey but if I chose to be a member, I'll purchase them at a discounted rate.

Its been 5 days, so far no major development. Apart from me getting sweaty and my constipation is not as bad as it used to. Maybe, for the past days, I have been fasting, I didnt drink that much water either.

I have just enrolled to be a member and for the sake of the discounted price, I decided to be a distributor. Enrolment via online is a breeze, I have my own website. like real.

Im not interested on business level. Was suggested that I should attend the expo. Tts for my own consumption and well-being.

I hope this juice works for me, after all the many trials and errors.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The thing that makes me go...sigh...

Yesterday marked the 3rd time I was appraised, which significantly meant my 3 year residency at my workplace.

I prayed hard that this time she will not pour our more nonsense than ever.

Sounds silly, but yes, I had been reciting doas since Sunday night, to ease and loosen up the usual tight up situation with her on Monday.

Alhamdulilah, it was much better than the previous. I dont even bother to comment on her performance (it was a 2 way appraisal, ya see), conveniently marking her the usual '4' for all.

Her last statement makes me wonder if my presence was ever wanted here.....
"complete your degree first, if we cannot offer you what you had requested, then go elsewhere...."

First, when asked to sponsor for my studies, i was told I may not be able to complete the bond for reason that I may be sought after with the newly obtained qualification.

And now, this statement from her when I suggested a flexible working arrangement.

SO! to conclude...I am moving on! Thank you for all these years, I gain and lose nothing.

cant she says something more positive...some kind of political game as usual.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Stay Over at Alia's & Ez's 10th Bday

Slept over at Alia's to celebrate Ez's bday on 12/6/2010.
Didnt sleep well, its true as the saying goes...home still sweet home.

Initial plan was to custome order her cake, but she requested for home made ice cream cake from me. It was all whiped off on her actual day....well, it was not really a nice looking one. will upload if i feel like it later.............

Instead I ordered fm cousin Nana for a customised princess theme towel cake.
Toileries set, towel, pyjamas, blanket n bathrobe wrapped nicely like a cake :)

heavy weight

I am pissed off with myself.
With the accumulating fats in me.
I am getting heavier by the days.
It irritates me each time people commented on my round figure.

It's the same words almost everyday..yeah i know im fat, dont have to remind me again.

I even told off mak this morning...she kept saying about my back...told her what she expects me to do. Im already so stress with my work and studies...cant u all give me some time to sort matter. I can't do all in one. Im not a superwoman!

Talking about study...Im so disappointed with my study schedule, if there is any to begin with.

How timely the class test to coincide with the closing.

Excuses! I have to be more organises. Period. Im not gonna give up.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Weird Dreams

For the past few days, been having disturbing dreams.

I dreamt of a CSPS mate I.B, was informed in my dream twice by twinny and S.h.e.d.a.h to read at the orbituary column on her passing away. I was numbed. shocked.

I woke up feeling loss and so depressed. The first thing i did was to log into Fb account and checked on her. So relieved that she is all well and fine. Been doing so, to see if her status spelt for trouble. so far so good. Alhamdulilah.

And last night, I dreamt of losing my favourite cousin, Bg Nin (favourite since he is ever so pleasant, unlike my other male cousins who are so b-i-t-c-h-y).

My aunt called to ask for my mum, sounded so urgent and sad. I knew something must have terribly went wrong. My cousin passed away due to sudden serious illness, which i had no idea what it was. I cried, sobbed and wept so hard. Even scolded his eldest sister for being childish....(seriously i dont know why i had chided her).

The dream lasted so long being me looking for a suitable baju kurung and tudung...i saw in the mirror that i had donned on a white tudung sotong and plain pink kurung. Somehow I never get to reach the place, I was being held up here and there. Even my late cousin bg Razak was there waiting for me to drive us all to the funeral....

Weird, scary huh? wonder what was it all about......spooky feeling!!

May Allah protects us all from all evils. Amin.