Thursday, November 26, 2009


it sucks to be interogated that way. she's definitely lose my respect. Look at the way she asked question, so bloody rude and the funny thing was instead of wanting to keep the matter p n c, she let the cat out of the bag....what a joke? Do u classify someone asking another casually if she's leaving the company as p n c? Lame rite!? Oh god, she,s definitely the worst boss, not to mention horrifying human being!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

# 570

I was left with no choice but to leave the class during the second half of the 3 hour lecture. When Mr Lee asked if I was heading home, told him with the guilt on my face that I was gonna do my project. I heard the whole class went "Awww..." in disbelief as i rushed towards the door.

Our submission deadline is due next Wednesday, we had no other day available for meet up. This is the best alternative.

Had a good talk with Ivy - shared with her my difficulties as a matured student,not so much about coping with stress but handling bad situations with our bosses. She had a good point there, since the company is not sponsoring my studies, why do I have to compete for my time. Why do I have to fight for my right when its clear that I am right to upgrade myself.

The examination leaves that I am entitled does not compensate me well enough for the hardship I had to endure from her. So from now onwards, I shall declare to the management I have given up. Pretend I'm no longer pursue my dream.
So that they will no longer able to demoralize me.

I simply cant understand, aint them support life long learning?
Then, where is the encouragement?
All I ever get is - Its too late to go back to school now, your time is up!

Friday, November 13, 2009


i need to do some serious evaluation on my study techniques, just not gd enuff! Been holding on to the same notes but nothing concrete goes in. And ive got another team assignment task to execute..thats the big hurdle to my smooth revision, damn! Im reporting to work in the afternoon, bg assigned to usher for/d k2 grad, hope wont have to deal with nasty parents!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Both ani & myself got e63 mobiles today. There are 3 of us at home having the same hps. Ani n Mun gotten the exact ruby red while i opted for the latest white.
Been wanting a white mobile for quite sumtimes and finally after much thought to give up my N85. That phone is just not meant for me....sob sob sob!

Attended the training on sunday, i expected the much for something different. Anyway, Im glad they enjoyed the food i had catered.

I was almost late for the HRE mid test on much on reliance on others. No more next time. All in all, i manage to answer all though not satifactorily...

Our dining set came in a week earlier, manage to revise the few hours there...hehe!

Im sorting out my time for an effective learning and study. Final exams will be in less than a month. I'm worried for CFA paper....hope to pull through above passing rate.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Im here in this state again,yup ive got test on sat. So much drama 2b excused fm d company's training 2 sit 4 d test. Didnt expect d big boss was not told of my situation. Si bos betina plak mati2x nak aku join after my test,macam takleh nampak aku senang.suka hati lu lah,gua pun tak lama. I hope d tax seminar attended yesterday wld come in handy. One gd news, we'll have a proper dining set nxt wk. Ive ordered a custom made huge table 4 our big family, we dont have 2 squeeze like we do now.also i could study in d living room, no more books scattered on d floors. Finally! Its been a 7 year wait.!