Thursday, July 30, 2009


I'm typing this entry from my very own personalised netbook.
Been toying with the idea to purchase one for tutorial, Mac is just too bulky and not so user friendly (no windows installed, difficult to do assignments, had to do it from mun's laptop).

I've got a special deal purchasing this one. It has everything i want - light, ruby red, small and windows XP! Thanks to Azahar.

I no longer have to share with anyone - well, except for ED.

I've finalised the monthly report today, much earlier than the norm obviously due to the external audit. and of course, time like this, many entries had to be posted, many adjustment had to be passed and many silly requests from the boss had to be entertained. Just like today, asking me to alert the staff on cheques which had not been presented. Duh! There were all past the 6 months grace period, it'll be rejected by the bank anyway! Got the cheek to say im not knowledgeable, a kettle calling the pot black, afterall.

Sometimes I feel she is out to make my life difficult here. Too many occasions she did on purpose to get me back on personal grounds. sickening!!

Friday, July 24, 2009


2 days ago, spent 5 hours at McDonald's to revise for the mid term test that i took at night. Though it allocates only 35% marks, I'm determined to obtain as many mark as possible. I hope to clear this paper - one of the toughest module. I could not imagine having to fork out another 2K re-sitting for the exams. MCQ is a killer! and the problem sums, the ones i had the easiest way out to solve, i could not even score full for them! formulae! and yep, im not studying anymore in any mcdonald's outlet. damn distracting.

With the virus, i find myself falling ill easily nowadays. Najmi has been ill for a week and the signs of recovery is at its slowest rate. He had stomach flu and will not be getting any better with no medicine. He just hates medicine....tried so many ways unsuccessfully.

Ezzaty did something bad today. She'll be barred from using the internet for as long as the ban is not lifted. I have confiscated her handphone and her ezlink card is no longer in her possession. Its partly not her fault but it takes 2 hands to clap right? I cant blame her classmate totally. Im thankful that her classmate's mom is very cooperative on this matter. She was not even defending her child like any parent would be when I called to clarify the matter. I have to be neutral, my child may be at fault. cant take her word without valid evidence. Its not me to reprimand somebody's child blindly. ( I was accused like that when i was in P1. so i know how it'll affect our self esteem and morale.)

In fact, the classmate's mom asked her child to return my call to apologise after interrogating her for the truth. and she wanted me to speak to her personally and made her promise not to do that again..she was sobbing saying her sorry. children nowadays...! we have to go around one big jungle ...sigh!

Final exams has been scheduled a few days before the ramadhan...
I was in the midst of planning my time for revision for the two diary is full of colours..yellow, red and green to highlight the days which I have to reserve for studying and practising the problems calculation.

I seek HIM to guide me the easy path to gain this knowledge, its tougher than i thought..but if many can succeed, i dont see why i cant....!!

Never gives up before even trying.
Those who gives up easily is Satan's best friend.
I do not wish to be even his pen pal....Allah forbids!

Monday, July 13, 2009


Its been a trying week for me.
I got rid of J, and for now my school life is back TO normal (NORMAL = peaceful) thankfully. I feel awkward when we bump into each other, not sure how to react, but nevertheless, i feel at ease. i just have to pretend not knowing him. It sounds cruel but that's life. one cannot be selfish and think of oneself only, this is what u get. people will shun you!

Not enough with the trouble I had with this J, another J from the workplace gave me a big headache. I shall not mentioned what it was, I was as surprised to learn her true colour and yes, I have no faith in her. No trust. Not ever. Though she had apologised umpteen times. A promise made is a promise to be kept. In fact, she made me look bad getting involved in her game. Enough said, I'll be a fool if ever to be part of her plot again.

CF module is tough, so tough that I am clueless as what is expected from me.
I've been going through the texts, notes and still i do not know what is CF all about. Die, how to pass like that? I dreaded to attempt the tutorial questions. The last one I did, I gotten half of it correct and worse, cant even get the first 3 right.(veryone said these were the easiest! duH!)...
How could I overlook that formula? I totally cant recall....

After the first class, I was so stressed up that I could not breathe. My chest was so tight up that I thought my time is up. It was a traumatizing moment!
How to sleep when your mind is so full of numbers, theory, graphs and formulae!! and i cant afford to FAIL.

I was full of worries, uncertaintites and fears!!

I had a good talk with I-vy. She's already half through the programme and will be graduating in 4 months time. Was telling me many who had taken up the FInance modules could not pass through and advised me to drop doing double major.

Accounting is already so hard, what with doing the double major with FInance...yep, terribly difficult. I've acquired the electives that I-vy did, and after considering the modules - I will be registering close to hers. Its not easy but at least manageable compare to the Finance modules which require more of my analytical skill and principle based learning.

Looking back, I should've stick to my initial plan of doing single major and 4 elective modules when i signed up for the course in April :(

but its not too late, many had changed their minors along the way..they had tried to find some modules interest them though they had never thought of learning. Others are like i understand the system here of flexibility.........

I know the consultant meant well when he encouraged me to do the double major, but I guess he was not aware that its easier said than done. Yes, it will look good on your certificate but with what im going through, it just not worth the pain.

I've called the consultant in the morning, the fees shall remain the same, no change since for accounting undergraduate we are still required to complete 12 modules, either you are doing double or single major.

So I'll be majoring in accouting with management as my minor subjects. (this is final)

Im feeling better having thought of the lesser burden after dropping Finance modules altogether. Securites & investment are not meant for me. Its for the future records. Im more to the historical records and that's what accounting is all about.

Monday, July 6, 2009


I was very disturbed the past 2 days.
I dont know, just so many unhappy incidents happened.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Told ya that I will blow my top soon.
I think I've been kind and nice enough to be used.
I never expect anything in return but please do not take advantage of my kindness.

I had enough when J called and so called ordered me to ask the lecturer about the assignment for him!! I have not even touch those assignments myself - with all the problems surfacing during the upload. I had my share of problems, never once I smsed, emailed and pestered him like what he did to me.
Its been 2 months. enough is enough. I raised my voice, telling him to ask the lecturer himself, and he did not talk to me for the entire lesson but still got the cheek to ask me if his result was a borderline. I felt like screaming at him!
instead i pressed hard MY calculator and showed him the marks and gave aloud "aiyah" what a pest!

Ya know what, he pestered S & P too...! but not worse off than what he did to he's moving on to 2 male classmates, it wont be long, just wait.

Gotten the mid semester exam result, sigh sigh sigh...careless mistakes!
I will be very careful, those 2 marks are precious...wasted just like that. Should have read the question over again.

I've done one exercise for the final exams, took me almost an hour. I'm just not familiar of how to tackle the question. I just hate the feeling of uncertainty and waste the time thinking where, how and what to do!

Friday, July 3, 2009


Look at the damages she had done!
I know that we cannot allow anyone to rule us but yeah she did.
The slightest mention of her name made me fume mad! real mad that some of my colleagues here gotten burnt by the heat.

I want nothing to do with her unless its work related!
Why do we have to accomodate to her blardy mood?

enough trying hard to stay sane.

Last night, sat for the mid semester exam, i think i did not do so badly.
I could answer most except for 2 with confidence. Didnt expect theory question will be out, i've applied whatever knowledge i had..some are quite close to the MCQ options.

J is getting to my nerve yet again, i try to be nice to him as best as i could. But i know it will not be too long he'll get it from me. he'd rather ask me than the lecturer who could explain to him better, its okay to ask but not during lesson!! How am i to concentrate? another thing, he is so pessimistic! such a wet blanket.!

Hahah.....sorry buddy, u r just too much ok. i've tried to assist u the best i could, but if you are so stressed out for nothing, it'll affect all of us. In fact some of us had already shunned you...i'll be next if i could no longer tolerate ur nonsense.

Btw, i've got hold of the past year papers, it was from 2005, the latest i could get.
I've planned out to complete the assignment by tonight and revised whatever i could for the final year. good luck!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Received sms from SMS last night to conduct an orientation for a new staff today.
Its becoming part of my job already. Shared with sis Z of what been troubling me lately, though it will not change things around, at least my heart is much lighter to have shared with someone and most importantly who understand better my position.

She's been around long enough to know what kind of head my SM is. Like I've said, many wonder how do i survive day by day facing her and enduring her terrible mood swings. What do you expect, if others who are not under her who only gets to see her only once in the blue moon already cannot stand the sight of her, imagine my situation.

Speaking about double standard! She had mentioned what and how I should behaved as her assistant because whatever I will be projecting will reflect on her as my superior. So I was reminded to be mindful of what I was going to say, to react and so on..its like a protocol. (a stupid one!))

I just do not get her point. If we have a standard to adhere for certain levels in the management, why have i always been excluded in events that involved the management, most of it were the expensive offshore seminars, trainings and what have you which only the managers will have to attend? Am i not one of your managers? Then why do I have to undertake the managers' task but not being able to enjoy the perks and benefits of being one????

I was asked to discuss this matter to the boss. After been reminded that I was not been encouraged to say my views because that is not what AM should be doing, I will just have to shut my mouth.

I can only see to observe.

After conducting the orientation, I took half day Childcare Leave, used up all the 6 days for this year. I care less to save for rainy days. I will not be compensated for not using them, I'd rather use it now during our off peak period and enjoy the day without having to face that blardy superior.

Sorry for being too cranky and whiny :(((


I guess we were not meant to be communicating with each other for the past weeks.
I could not put my thoughts on her chat box (there were always errors appearing on my pc) and even overlooked that she had left her comments on mine.

I didnt get to receive the news of her demise on the actual day, I just did not feel like logging on to the pc. Terrible headache came again and this time it caused my BP to hit the 169 mark. The medication made me weak and too drowsy to do anything.

Thank goodness, I was feeling better this morning and decided to browse through my facebook for updates. I was in disbelief reading Su's status that her dearest sis Sulas whom i've been connecting through our journals had passed away :(((

I am still very remorseful for not making much efforts to meet up when she was still around. I thought visiting her blog and FB is good enough to show what this friendship meant to all of us.

I had heard the sayings that "Allah S.W.T loves him/her more than anybody else when HE decided that its time for him/her to go".

She is in a better place than us. She's with the Creator. For someone who has always brought light to someone else's life with her gentle words of console, her warm love and sincere thoughts, she definitely deserves the best and that best has to come from HIM.

I think I have not said enough that I am so grateful to have met Su again after all these years. Reuniting with her is the start of a beautiful friendship with someone whom i may not get to know in any possible ways. Its a miracle how our paths had crossed.

Untuk Almarhummah Sulastri,
Kehadiranmu bagaikan bintang yg bersinar terang
Persahabatan tulusmu akan tetap ku kenang
Ketiaadanmu akan dirasai
Pergimu tiada ada yang ganti
Doaku semoga kau tenang disana
Kirimanku hanyalah redha, pasrah dan Al-Fateha.

Untuk Su sekeluarga,
Allah lebih menyayanginya lebih daripada kita kasihkan dia.
Ada hikmah disana buatnya, kebahagiaan abadi menantinya
Redhakanlah permergiaannya walaupun sukar untuk dipercaya
Agar rohnya tenang dan dicucuri rahmatNYA - Amin.

Salam Ikhlas,
Sahabatmu yg jauh dimata dekat dihati. Ana :(((